Protecting the environment

This week I formally objected to the application to extend dredging off the Winterton coast because of serious concerns about the long-term impact on coastal erosion.

Whilst there is no scientific consensus pointing to erosion caused by coastline dredging, there considerable anecdotal evidence suggesting a relationship. The continuing removal of material from the sea, comparatively close to the coastline, could result in disruption to the natural sediment flow, creating further problems for coastal communities.

That’s why I’ve objected to Tarmac Ltd’s plan to extract another 6 million tonnes of aggregate, over the next 15 years, so close to our coast. Read my letter to the Marine Management Organisation, link at the bottom of this page.

And local councillor, James Bensly agrees, saying, “It is definitely not improving the situation. You cannot judge the scale of the millions of tonnes of sand that we have lost.”


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June 2018 Brandon's letter to the Marine Management Organisation (314.48 KB) 314.48 KB